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Services & Sessions Available 

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Multidimensional Quantum Healing (MQH) Session

In person or distance - $100 AUD (1hr)

gentle cleansing and clearing of the energy bodies, charka and energetic body flow.  Life experiences and trauma accumulate within these layers, and cause dis-ease, sickness, anxiety... all kinds of issues with the physical body and mind.

Transformation sessions, search out these past negative and traumatic experiences without having to delve into or relive that experience. 

The negative energetic imprint is simply smoothed out and cleared from your energy.  Leaving the memory, but no emotional attachment, fear, sadness, grief or hurt.

Removing these glitches within the energy layers profoundly effects the physical body.

When working within the physical body, muscles release and relax instantly, and past injuries can be transformed.

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Sacred Union Couple MQH Healing

In person or distance - $150 AUD (1.5hr)

Within this process energy is run through key points on the body, which allows us to open up to who we truly are.  Our divine connection back to inner knowledge and wisdom. 


Reactivating the crystalline points within us to allow us to shift into 5D and beyond, while embodying our multidimensional selves.

Allows for integration of gifts, abilities, talents and frequencies to be brought through and assist us in our evolution.


Open pathways to telepathy, inner sight, oneness, galactic reconnection, venus star, sensory channels, consciousness and cosmic consciousness.


You will awaken to yourself.

Past lives can arise to be cleared within this process.

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Timeline Reset is a gentle but the most

Sacred Ancestral Clearing + DNA Repair

In person or distance - $100 AUD

Sacred Ancestral Clearing and DNA Repair is a powerful and profound combo of working with Spirit, Energetic Alchemy, Conversational Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy and NLP to create the most unique and pure wave healing of the entire bloodline.

Our current and future generations are being born too sensitive to be able to continue to hold these traumas in their DNA, as it’s not their pain and anxiety they are experiencing...

It’s ours ...

It’s our parents, our grandparents and our great, great, great, great grandparents.

Clear generations of negative beliefs and trauma, and re-design your DNA with the beliefs and traits that will benefit you!

Timeline Therapy Reset - Belief Reset

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In person or distance - $100 AUD

A process that allows you to completely alter the way you feel and react to emotions and beliefs.  Removing any negativity, and transforming into positive.

Completely remove limiting belief systems that do not serve you and replace with belief systems that do!

Depression, Anxiety, quit smoking, over eating, being stuck in sabotaging patterns. 

Free up your life and get your mind on tract to success!

Thyroid Healing Sessions

Thyroid & Body Recovery Program

In person or distance - $100 AUD

Three month support program, initial assessment $100

Fortnightly sessions only $60


Get the 3 Step Body Reset workbook free.  Program tailored to fit.

Guidance on detoxification, food preparation, meal plans, what to eat and when to impact the body and set healing in to action!  

A total overlook at your life.  Let me come to your home and guide you through the process.  Learn skills that will last a lifetime.

Completely rejuvenate your body, so it can function optimally, free from dis-ease.  No harsh exercise plans, healing made easy!

Get your health and life back!!

This is the exact process Kerrie used to completely eradicate her hashimoto's hyperthyroidism and her painful arthritic joints, in just 3 months!


Life & Health Coaching

In person or distance - $70 AUD

A combination of Life Coaching, Matrix Therapy and Hypnosis techniques.  To completely alter your life for the better.

Life Guidance Plans

Healthy easy weight loss plans

Healthy eating tutorials - Vegetarian, Vegan, Plant Based diets

Quit Smoking

Resources to take action

Be completely motivated, cared for and guided!


Wellness Advocate Guidance & Classes


Essential Oils are a must in todays toxic environment.

Learn how to create a non-toxic home for you and your family.

From air fresheners, cleaners and de-molders, to toothpastes, sunscreen, face scrubs and moisturisers.

Learn how to create a natural medical box.

100% natural, therapeutic essential oils can replace medicines. Naturally treat heartburn, indigestion, headaches, fevers, rashes, cuts, bruises, ear infections & more..

Learn one on one, or in groups with friends and family!

Join my team of oil champions and earn $$$!

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When you book ANY Session

Face to Face Sessions in Perth WA


Mobile Services Available on Request

Let me come to you


Skype, Zoom, Facebook Video 

Available for International & Interstate 

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