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Multidimensional Quantum Healing Creator and Founder

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Kerrie J White is a highly intuitive healer, coach and teacher.  Spiritual aware from a young age, Kerrie had numerous spiritual experiences throughout her life.  During the teenages years she hid her gifts, expansive thoughts and questions about reality and the world, in order to fit in with school and life in the UK.

Born in Manchester England, Kerrie always had a thirst for knowledge and a deep desire to make life better for people and animals, to find answers and more efficient ways of living.  A huge  interest in the body, how the body works and nutrition Kerrie studied gaining multiple qualifications, up to a Masters of Science degree. Everything she learnt, left her feeling that there was more, that there was something not quite right in the reality we live in.   She worked within the NHS Public Health department before she decided to leave the UK at age 24 to travel the world, landing in Sydney Australia in October 2007.

Kerrie travelled Australia and many places around the world over 3 years until settling in Perth Australia in 2010.  This is when things started to shake up her world, an abusive partner, which lasted 2years due to being trapped on a visa, once this ended it lead into another relationship doomed for failure.

Kerrie was blessed with boy and girl twins in April 2015; but coupled with no family support, an emotionally unavailable partner, a slip disc and being diagnosed with Hashimoto's in 2016, she felt life really could not get any worse... pushing her to the limit and into her dark night of the soul journey!

Kerrie reached into her knowledge on nutrition, read book after book on healing the thyroid and began to see her health improve, still a shadow of her former self, she knew their was more.. she began reading and experimenting on herself with quantum healing and energetic techniques, the internet, books, joining workshops in the US at 3am to learn, to heal, to find herself again!

Upon recovering, feeling her strength return she had blood tests to confirm that indeed her Hashimoto's had vanished.  Kerrie felt amazing, her thirst for knowledge, the how's, the whys the ways became a passion.  This work resonated deep within her, it was so natural and so easy.


Kerries friends began to notice, the tired, grey skinned sick lady had transformed, glowing inside and out, they'd ask "What are you doing Kerrie?"  Blessed again with beautiful friends who where so sensitive to energy, her skills grew and developed working on friends, who then referred their friends as the results and feedback lead to more and more growth through word or month.  The name Multidimensional Quantum Healing and logo came in fast and clear and was sketched out to be created.

Still very busy raising twins, Kerrie's skills developed even further, her children could clearly see entities and spirits, as well as past lives that surfaced on herself and themselves.  Her whole reality changed, she began empowering her children to heal themselves and clear spirits.  Becoming omnidimensional beings.


As 2019 ended and 2020 began, multiple clients started asking, "Can you teach me what you do?" Referring these people to a dear friend and spiritual mentor of hers to learn, she had the call, "Kerrie, you are to teach these people, not me, how quickly can you teach them?"

Kerrie pulled together in 7 days an intensive workshop, a workshop that would have been her dream workshop, that deeply ingrained the foundations of which energy work is built, with multiple levels of awareness, information, skills and knowledge it had taken her years to locate and develop.  Taught in a practical hands on way that doesn't require notes, a way that is felt and remembered at a cellular and soul level.  A way that allows natural intuitive guidance and awakens innate gifts.

Her first intensive day workshop was run in March 2020, this rippled on and she has now run one every single month since then, online and face to face.

Kerrie now has clients all around the world.  She never set out to be a healer, let alone a teacher of this for nominal life changing craft.  Passion, drive and a inner guidance and drive that lead her.


As a single mother going through a divorce she overcome all obstacles to become to master of her health, her life and reality.  A teacher that is constantly a student of life, who is always continually developing, expanding and growing into new and more empowered versions of herself.

Are you soul family?  Have you been divinely lead to my work? Are you ready to fully discover how amazing and gifted you really are? To shed the blockages, programs, entities, stagnant emotions and thoughts... heal through the parts of you that are trapped, hurt and broken, and become whole?

You are already perfect, a divine spark of soul, incarnated in human form, source having an experience, it is time to reclaim the real you, we are one!

With Love Always

Kerrie Jane White

Skills & Qualifications

Master of Science Degree in Public Health and Society

Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

National Diploma in Exercise and Health Sciences

Diploma in Life Coaching

Timeline & MatrixTherapist

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner


Personal Trainer and Boxercise Coach

Self Embodied Healing Practitioner and Energy Healer

Teacher Trainer of Advanced Energy Techniques and Practices

Channeller & Meditation Facilitator of Guided Quantum Healing 

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